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  • Ep 1 SUB

    Love at Seventh Sight (2009)

    Love at Seventh Sight
    He is an audio technician, an unromantic man looking for the most romantic sound on earth. In an unexpected encounter, he comes across two of the most romantic things---- a beautiful recreational vehicle and its beautiful owner.The girl loves to travel the world and the boy hopes to find the most soul-soothing sound in nature. Pursuing their dreams, they decide to travel together in the recreational vehicle.As they journey through picturesque sites and scenes, the girl helps him to regain his sensitivity and the boy teaches her how to value life. Their doubt for each other starts turning into love.Unfortunately, as he falls more deeply for her, the boy discovers that the girl is at the end of her life. She dreams of finding a legendary tree house where she can leave the world overlooking her hometown from afar. The boy decides to accompany her till her last days.But he never gets a chance to see her in her last moments. In order to leave him with the most beautiful memory, the girl rather leaves him quietly without saying good-bye.Devastated, the boy goes back home and hibernates for months. In the depth of his darkest time, the girl suddenly reappears before him, with a brand new look and attitude. She seems to be a totally different girl!He cannot believe nor can he accept it. What on earth has happened?
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    Warriors Two (1978)

    Warriors Two
    Comedy, Romance, Kung Fu
    A glorious, delightful and touching romantic comedy that unveils the truths behind the year's most anticipated celebrity wedding, THE WEDDING GAME begins when Jack (Christopher Lee) publicly proposes to Vikki (Fann Wong) during the live telecast of a regional awards show. Surprised but happy, Vikki accepts - much to the delight of the public who has been following and rooting for the two superstars' much publicized romance. What the public doesn't know is that the entire love affair is an elaborate and meticulously planned ruse designed to further the careers and fortunes of the two ‘lovebirds' by their ambitious managers May and Tom. In reality, Jack has disliked Vikki from the first day they met and vice versa! But through it all, the two stars keep up with the charade. Both of them are sure they have nothing to lose - not when they've signed a pre-nuptial agreement to protect themselves and their fortunes. Just when everything is going so well, an incident has rattled some of the fans and the media. There is doubt now lingering about the authenticity of this love match. Will they succeed in fooling a nation, and come away richer but not wiser? THE WEDDING GAME will have you rolling down the aisles with laughter and touch your hearts with tender moments of emotional truth. Ironically, the film stars (Wong and Lee) are actually long-time couple who plan to wed following the release of this movie.
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    The Composer (CN 2019) (2019)

    The Composer (CN 2019)
    Drama, Historical
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    Champ (0)

    Drama, Sports
    Seung Ho is a former star horse jockey who becomes involved in a serious accident that kills his wife and damaged his eyesight. His life and career crash downhill, but a chance encounter with a racehorse jump star Seung Ho's comeback.
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    After My Death (2018)

    After My Death
    Drama, Investigation, Mystery
    One day, a high school girl Kyung Min goes missing. She seemed to jump off a bridge to her death, but without a body, or a suicide note, no conclusion can be drawn. People question Yeong Hee who was the last person to be seen with Kyung Min on the night of her disappearance and start suspecting her of instigating Kyung Min’s death. While Yeong Hee keeps insisting on her innocence, no one believes her. When Kyung Min’s body finally is found, even her friends turn back from her one by one. To prove herself innocent, Yeong Hee makes the unexpected decision.
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    Greatful Dead (2013)

    Greatful Dead
    An odd girl enjoys observing loners she calls “solitarians”. An equally odd, old man awaits for his death alone. The two will soon clash...only one of them will be "greatful".
  • Ep 16 SUB

    Secret (2013)

    melodrama, romance
    Everyone has their own secrets. Secrets can help people succeed and even fall in love; but secrets can also destroy people. Secrets can sometimes make us happy, worried, or even blind us to reality. This drama is about secrets. It is an exploration into the trials and tribulations of people who live with secrets. These secrets drive the four characters desire to find love and exact 
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    April Fools (2015)

    April Fools