The story follows university student Sugawara Yuri suffering from stalkers. Due to the harassment she receives, Yuri decides to move out of her place. While looking for a new place to live she reunites with her elementary school classmate, Ninomiya Uri.
When Katakiri Yuichi was a child, his mother taught him that friends are more important than money. Now, as a high school student, Yuichi prioritizes friends over money. One day, Yuichi and his friends become involved in the "Friends Games" which carries large amounts of money.
Detectives Sakurai Shintarou and Hikage Koichi are partners. They are also corrupt and often blackmail criminal groups and seize their money. One day, the Chief of Police becomes aware that 2.5 million yen in seized money is missing. He orders Shintarou and Koichi to bring the money in by tomorrow morning. Shintarou and Koichi are in big trouble. They then read an article about a pension fund embezzlement case involving 6 billion yen. The prime suspect of the pension fund embezzlement case spent most of that money, but he has 2.5 billion yen left.