Within a seemingly peaceful village, a plague of mysterious & violent deaths suddenly take place. The police conclude poisonous wild mushrooms are the cause of the deaths. Police Officer Jong Goo hears a rumor from a coworker about a mysterious Japanese man living nearby. The rumor fingers the Japanese man as the one causing these mysterious & violent deaths. Jong Goo, while on duty, meets Moo Myeong who tells him that she saw the Japanese man where the last deaths took place. Jong Goo's doubts about the man begin to waver. To his despair, his daughter Hyo Jin then comes down with the crazed symptoms similar to what the other villagers had before their deaths. Jong Goo heads out into the mountains to find the old Japanese man's home. Meanwhile, his mother-in-law calls in a shaman, Il Gwang, to perform an exorcism on Hyo Jin. Death lingers in the air.
A national cussing battle audition is the hype of the nation. People from all over the country audition in hopes of becoming the “Cussing King.” However, the contestants’ redundant cussing causes viewer ratings to drop dramatically. The producer decides to revive the show by introducing a regular looking grandmother...