Akihabara is a Tokyo district full of mangas, anime, electronics, video games, figurines, etc. It is a place that gathers fanatics of such themes, people who are commonly referred to as otaku. Page, Box, Akira, Taiko, Daruma, and Izumu are six otakus, each with his/her own troubles who sought relief through a website called "Yui's Lifeguard". When the site owner, Yui, died of a mysterious death, the six, who are each expert in their own fields, gathered to form "Akihabara@DEEP", a "troubleshooter" group that vows to protect Akihabara and solve the problems of its inhabitants.
Nogizakatte, Doko? is Nogizaka46's TV show hosted by the Bananaman comedy duo, Osamu Shitara and Yuki Himura. The show usually feature the members' Senbatsu Selections and several other segments.
Nogizakatte, Doko? is Nogizaka46's TV show hosted by the Bananaman comedy duo, Osamu Shitara and Yuki Himura. The show usually feature the members' Senbatsu Selections and several other segments.