Gota Nakaido is a detective based at the Minatomirai Police Station in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Prior to joining the police force, he spent 8 years working as a high school Physical Education (PE) teacher after graduating from university. His decision to become a detective stemmed from his determination to combat the negative influences that lead students astray.
Although Gota aspires to receive a promotion, he faces challenges due to his struggles with academic studies. However, his passion lies in apprehending criminals, and nothing brings him more joy than when victims express their gratitude for his efforts in catching wrongdoers.
Edamatsu Shino, who is 37, aspires to be a novelist and whose main source of income is a part-time job as a pest exterminator, one day he plagiarizes a novel written in a notebook he happened to come into possession of and ends up winning a literary award. Edamatsu Shino, who has suddenly become a popular author, sets out to find the true author of the novel with his editor, Miharu Katayama, who is 34. The key to this is the female classmates that Edamatsu Shino fell in love with in middle school. While reminiscing about his memories with them, he approaches the truth behind the "true author." A lot of bittersweet, beautiful, and quirky memories are brought back together with super unique girls. ~~ Adapted from the essay "Classmate no Joshi, Zenin Sukideshita" (クラスメイトの女子、全員好きでした) by Tsumeki Otoko (爪切男).
Episodes: 10
Aired On: Friday
Duration: 55 min.
Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
Edamatsu Shino, who is 37, aspires to be a novelist and whose main source of income is a part-time job as a pest exterminator, one day he plagiarizes a novel written in a notebook he happened to come into possession of and ends up winning a literary award. Edamatsu Shino, who has suddenly become a popular author, sets out to find the true author of the novel with his editor, Miharu Katayama, who is 34. The key to this is the female classmates that Edamatsu Shino fell in love with in middle school. While reminiscing about his memories with them, he approaches the truth behind the "true author." A lot of bittersweet, beautiful, and quirky memories are brought back together with super unique girls. ~~ Adapted from the essay "Classmate no Joshi, Zenin Sukideshita" (クラスメイトの女子、全員好きでした) by Tsumeki Otoko (爪切男).
Episodes: 10
Aired On: Friday
Duration: 55 min.
Content Rating: Not Yet Rated